Citrix Workspace Mac Download Catalina

Click on the blue Download Citrix Workspace App for Mac button. A download pop-up should appear at the bottom of your screen. Once it finishes downloading, click on the pop-up. In the subsequent window, double click on the icon that says Install Citrix Workspace. 'Certificate is not Trusted' on CWA 1910 for Mac and macOS Catalina. Contact Support. Download Why can't I download this file? Log in to Verify Download Permissions. Confirm you are on the latest release of Citrix Workspace App for Mac. The following article from Apple details new requirements for certificates:

Citrix Workspace Mac Download Catalina
downloadWhy can't I download this file?


Please upgrade to the latest current release

Problem Cause

Apple has changed Certificate policies for cert validation

Additional Resources

This would be appear to be a Citrix -  compatibility issue and what I have read on the Citrix blogs and forums leads me to believe that Citrix engineers need to upgrade and release new versions of the certificate. I have a similar issue and got a temporary workaround by using Chrome (Google browser) and downloading the Citrix workspace extension for it. (None exists for Safari yet) and my applications were able to run. I had to learn how to juggle between multiple applications as Option + Tab does not work but did it by using different window sizes and desktops and switching as necessary. Hope someone else can be helped as well.

Citrix Workspace Mac Os Catalina

Citrix Workspace Mac Download Catalina Installer

By the way - Citirix did update its app right after Catalina was in general release and new(er) workspace app icon is blue as compared to the prior black one. That is the one you want to download if you are going to try the Chrome route.

Just found this out - Citrix released a new Workspace for Mac - you can download it here:

My apps are now working - no more certificate errors

Oct 13, 2019 12:40 PM