Winlink Download

Winlink Express (formerly RMS Express) is a worldwide system for sending and receiving e-mail over radio. You do not need a radio to use Winlink Express, because you can configure Telnet Winlink to send messages. More information about Winlink Express can be found on Winlink Client Software page. Download, install and configure any client software. We suggest Winlink Express. Study its help about installation and use. If using Winlink Express, with an internet connection fill out the form presented on first startup after installation. See the help article 'Basic Configuration' for guidance.

  1. Winlink 2000 Software Download
  2. Rms Winlink Download
  3. Airmail Winlink Download
  4. Rms Express Latest Version

Dan Marler, K7REX, writes:

Winlink 2000 download

Please plan to attend Thursday, October 29, Zoom session. Winlink Workshop WK 11 of WK 12. Winlink setup and use for beginners and how to send Red Cross ARC-213 forms.

9:00 PM AST / 9:00 PM EDT / 8:00 PM CT / 7:00 PM MDT / 6:00 PM PDT / 5:00 PM AKDT / 3:00 PM HST

This Thursday, October 29, Linda Kangas, W5LDK, and Dave Underwood, WB5HJV will be conducting a beginner’s Zoom Winlink class that includes how to send ARC-213 forms.

If you plan to participate in the November 14 American Red Cross drill, you will need to know both; please note that this training DOES NOT address Linux or individual radio configurations.

Before attending this class, you will need to of completed the following.

  1. Go to WinLink Express
  2. Click on Download
  3. Click on User Programs
  4. Click on , download and install the software on your computer.
  5. Register your Winlink Software (there is no cost for registration). Save your confirmation email; you’ll need to use your WinLink registration number during the training.

If you have not done so already, I recommend you join SEC-ARES groups.io SEC-ARES currently has 720 members (and growing), and it is there that we discuss everything related to ARES and disaster communications. You can no doubt get answers to your Linux and individual radio configurations questions there; plus, this is where discussions of the upcoming American Red Cross November 14 Drill will take place.

Please note: This Zoom session is open for all to attend and that the only requirements are listed above.

  • This meeting will be recorded. By participating you consent to being recorded.
  • Please change your display name to Your FirstName, CallSign (or organization) and Location, e.g. Dan K7REX Idaho.
  • Please stay muted until ready to speak. Your space bar works like a PTT for unmuting
  • To be fair to everyone, there will be a three minute limit for each person during Q & A

You may ask questions in chat; please stay on topic while using chat.Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: ARCWinlink
One tap mobile
+13462487799,2128884758#,0#,0015332482# US (Houston)
+16699006833,2128884758#,0#,0015332482# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 212 888 4758
Passcode: 0015332482

Updated 1/31/2018

You can send and receive Winlink messages using a terminal program such as Putty or AGW Terminal.

For soundcards

  • open UZ7HO
    • Settings: AGWPE Server Port 8000 Enabled
  • Open AGW Terminal
    • Menu: Actions / Connect
    • CallSign N4SER-10 or substitute any gateway
    • Via digipeaters, add if needed.
    • Click connect


  • Connect to a Winlink gateway:
    • C N4SER-10 v N4SER

The Gateway will respond:

*** Connected To N4SER-10 <Sat,26Nov16 09:57 AM>
Red Cross WinLink gateway N4SER-10.
;PQ: 23044789
Halifax CMS via N4SER >

  • Type lm
  • The gateway will respond:

Login [564]:
Halifax CMS via N4SER >

  • Login[564] is requesting your login authorization.
    • The numbers [564], which will be different each time you do this, are requesting you return the letters at those positions in your Winlink password.
    • If you password is PASSWORD you would type in WOS for the 5, 6 and 4 positions.
    • You must return a 6 letter code so add any 3 letters that you want
      • WOSDEN
        • They can be in any position and any order so
      • DONESW would also work.
    • Case insensitive.
  • If you entered your password letters correctly then the gateway will respond:

Hello W2DEN
CMS via N4SER >

  • The call will be yours…. you are now connected to the CMS!
  • Type h for help.
  • The CMS responds: (NOTE: the message has changed a bit with the upgrade to a single CMS, Commands are the same.

Winlink 2000 is designed for automatic message transfer using Airmail, Paclink, RMS Express or other client programs that support the B2F protocol. It will also accept limited keyboard commands on telnet and VHF connections.

Supported Telnet/VHF keyboard commands:

H or HELP gives you this file

If secure login is enabled for your account (or, in the future, required). Send any command to initiate login. The CMS will respond with a challengeconsisting of three digits who’s values represent positions of characters within your password. See <RESP>.

<RESP> – This is a six character response to the login challenge.

Respond with three password characters corresponding to the positions in the challengeplus three additional characters of your choosing (in any order).
Example: Password is ABC123. Login challenge is: 425. You send ‘CR 1B2AZ5’. ABZ21TY would also be valid since it contains the characters 1, B, and 2.
LM lists all traffic pending for your callsign.
Shows message ID (MID), date, size, from and subject. Does NOT include messages SENT by you.

Where (MID) is the Message ID: The long random number assigned to the message (not including the call)

K <MID> Example: K 1234XYZRTG Marks the pending message as delivered. Message may still be read for 3 days using the R <MID> command.

KM Mark all messages as delivered. Message may still be read using R <MID> for 3 days.

B, BYE forces a disconnect of the link.

R <MID> Example: R 1234XYZRTG Read the specified message. Only MIDs addressed to your call or originated by you may be read. Attachments are not supported.

RM Read all pending unread messages to your callsign.

SP <Destination(s)> Send a message to the destination(s) indicated. Destinations may be a radio callsign or “SMTP:<email_address>” (NOTE! be sure to include the colon after the SMTP!) Multiple destinations should be seperated by “;” or “,”Example: SP W4ABC;;W1AW;

You will be prompted for a subject of the new message and then prompted for the message body. For the message body enter any text.

End with /EX on a separate line.

Acceptance of the message will be confirmed. You will be sent a service message if the message cannot be delivered.

For further help contact the network manager, K4CJX

CMS via N4SER >

Rms Express Latest Version

  • That pretty much sums it up…..